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Botswana stoppt Jagd-Safaris

Botswana verbietet ab 2014 die gewerbliche Jagd auf Wildtiere

In Botswana wird ab dem 01. Januar 2014 die gewerbliche Jagd in allen öffentlichen Gebieten und auch in den bisher explizit für die Jagd ausgewiesenen Konzessionen komplett eingestellt.

Die Regierung Botswanas handelt damit gemäß der der Einsicht, dass Sportjagd und Trophäenjagd von Wildtieren nicht länger mit den nationalen Bemühungen zum Erhalt der Tierwelt und zum langfristigen Wachstum der lokalen Tourismusindustrie in Einklang zu bringen ist.

Den englischen Originaltext der Pressemitteilung aus dem Umweltministerium Botswanas finden Sie hier im Anschluss:


As was confirmed by His Excellency the President in his recent State of the Nation Address, Government has decided to indefinitely suspend commercial hunting of wildlife in public or Controlled Hunting Areas as from the 1st of January 2014.

This comes as a realization that the shooting of wild game purely for sport and trophies is no longer seen to be compatible with either our national commitment to conserve and preserve local fauna or the long term growth of the local tourism industry.

Therefore and in light of various enquiries that have been received from members of the public since the above announcement, the following statement is meant to provide further background on the motive and implementation of the suspension.

The decision to impose this moratorium on hunting was made in the context of a growing concern about the sharp decline in the populations of most of the wildlife species that have been subject to licensed hunting. If left unchecked this decline poses a genuine threat to both the conservation of our natural heritage and the long term health of the local tourist industry which currently ranks second to diamonds in terms of its revenue earnings.

Besides contributing to the conservation of wildlife it is anticipated that, in keeping with international trends, the moratorium on hunting will further facilitate the sustainable growth of the tourism sector, as hunting zones are converted into photographic areas.

It may be noted here that while hunting is a seasonal activity, meaning that its contribution to the tourism sector and hence national revenue has also been seasonal and minimal, photographic tourism is conducted year round. Moreover, photographic tourism has virtually no potential for any negative impact on local wildlife populations and hence sustainable.

Finally, it may be also noted that Government’s decision to indefinitely suspend commercial hunting by non release of any annual hunting quotas, will not for the time being affect its ability to continue to issue special game licences on a limited basis for traditional hunting by some local communities within designated wildlife management areas etc. Government will thus continue to assess individual cases for special game licenses.

Thank you 
Yours Faithfully
Mr Edmont B. Moabi